• "lavender breeze" flower arrangement in a purple glass vase.

    Lavender Breeze: A Refreshing Floral Escape

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    Lavender Reflections of Grace Standing Spray

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    Modern Romance: Contemporary Pavé Style Rose Design

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    Classic Rose Arrangements: Premium Long-stemmed Roses

  • Sympathy basket in lavender and white flowers for funeral or memorial service

    Sympathy Basket in Lavender and White

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    Peony Perfection


Roses - Lavender

Lavender rosesLavender roses are a beautiful and unique type of rose that comes in a variety of shades, from a soft lilac to a deeper purple. Unlike true blue roses, which don’t exist naturally, lavender roses achieve their coloring through a pigment called delphinidin, also found in blueberries and grapes.

The exact meaning of lavender roses can vary depending on the shade of lavender and the number of roses given. Generally, lavender roses symbolize:

  • Enchantment and fascination: The unique color of lavender roses can evoke a sense of mystery and intrigue.

  • Love at first sight: Lavender roses are sometimes said to symbolize love at first sight.

  • Devotion and admiration: A bouquet of lavender roses can express your deep affection and admiration for someone.

  • Royalty and majesty: The regal bearing of the rose, combined with the lavender color, can also symbolize royalty and majesty.

  • Luxury and elegance: Lavender roses are often seen as luxurious flowers and they can add a touch of elegance to any occasion.

Lavender roses are a versatile flower that can be used in a variety of arrangements. They are a popular choice for weddings, and they can also be used for birthdays, anniversaries, or any other special occasion.