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204 N Fannin St, Rockwall, TX | 972.771.4600

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Grateful Glow

Grateful Glow

The vibrant “Grateful Glow” flower bouquet is the perfect way to illuminate Mom’s day with sunshine and heartfelt thanks! Sunny yellow roses and carnations symbolize joy, friendship, and appreciation – a warm glow to express your love.


Mother’s Day Trapp Candle Bundle

None Waterlily Driftwood 7oz Trapp Candle +$25.00 Fresh Cut Tuberose 7oz Trapp Candle +$25.00 Lavender de Provence 7oz Trapp Candle +$25.00

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Express Your Gratitude with the Glowing “Grateful Glow” Mother’s Day Flower Bouquet!

This vibrant arrangement is the perfect way to illuminate Mom’s day with sunshine and heartfelt thanks! Sunny yellow roses and carnations symbolize joy, friendship, and appreciation – a warm glow to express your love.

Towering blue delphinium adds a touch of everlasting love, while vibrant purple alstroemeria speaks volumes about your devotion. Golden yellow solidago and wispy purple statice complete the picture, bringing enduring happiness and blessings.

Presented in a sleek, modern clear glass cube vase, this arrangement will brighten Mom’s day and any room it graces.

But wait, there’s more! Amplify the ambiance and create a truly unforgettable Mother’s Day gift by adding a luxurious Trapp® Fragrance Candle to your order. Choose from a variety of delightful scents to create a relaxing and inviting atmosphere for Mom.

The “Grateful Glow” Mother’s Day Gift Bundle includes:

  • A radiant mix of yellow roses, blue delphinium, yellow carnations, purple alstroemeria, yellow solidago, and purple statice
  • A stylish clear glass cube vase
  • (Optional Add-On) Your choice of a luxurious Trapp® Fragrance Candle in a variety of delightful scents

This stunning arrangement and fragrant candle combination is the perfect way to show Mom how much you appreciate all she does. Order your “Grateful Glow” Mother’s Day Gift Bundle today and tell her how special she is!

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